
Thursday, June 17, 2021

My Argument

 For Literacy we made an argument about was coming to NZ a good decision for everyone I think it is a bad decision.

Did you know that the Early Europeans were murders and thieves?

The Early Europeans tricked the Maori in the Treaty of Waiting so that they could take lots of land. The Maori signed the treaty but they did not fully understand what it meant because it wasn’t translated properly. By 1890, Europeans had cut down three-quarters of the forests and used the land for farms and building houses.

The Early Europeans brought diseases and parasites. In the Te Ara article about the European Impact on New Zealand is says that 

“Along with immigrants came new animals, crop plants, parasites and diseases."

They brought diseases, like the common cold and influence. They killed animals and did not hesitate to kill them. In the early days, a NZ documentary said whalers and sealers came and killed the whales and seals. They killed whales and seals for meat.



                                       I learnt

  • that back then kids were seen not heard.
  • and you had to look  after your shoes because they were handmade and men woe knickerbockers and women woe dress 

my Akaroa poster